Tuesday 26 May 2009

Books and inspiration II

"This is for you" by Rob Ryan

"This is for you" by Rob Ryan

"This is for you" by Rob Ryan

My younger sister lives in London and always finds the most amazing books to give as a presents. Thanks to her I´ve read titles such as "White Teeth" and, last Christmas, she gave me two books that constitue a high source of inspiration for me, but never got to blog about.

One of those books is "This is for you", by Rob Ryan, a book filled with his amazing papercuts. By stretching the very synthetic language of a papercut (single coloured shapes against a neutral background), the author manages to evoke a fairy-tale ambiance to each and every single piece. He also has a strong sense of composition, putting together harmoniously text and image - all in papercut, of course. I love papercutting, so this book is like a bible to me.

The other book my sister gave me last Christmas is "Colors" by Anne Varichon.

"Colors", by Anne Varichon

"Colors", by Anne Varichon

Now, this is a true bible of everything colour related: not only does the author explain the symbolics and meaning related to several colours in different cultures, the author also explains how to make the different pigments by yourself.

On top of all that, the graphic design is flawless, working perfectly to convey the message that is most important: colours have an impact.

These two books are always within reach!

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