Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Holiday knitting? | Prenda de Natal?

This scarf comes from Berocco´s "Wedge" Pattern, designed by Norah Gaughan. I had seen so many projects from patterns designed by her but not had the chance to knit one. This is a free pattern and it is available here.

Well, I´m totally in love with the pattern. It is so easy to remember and yet produces amazing results. I can´t believe I´m knitting this beautiful piece - and that it is actually so easy.

See more photos here.


Este cachecol é lindo, lindo e muito fácil de fazer. E o melhor ainda é que a receita é gratuita, disponível aqui. É desenhado por Norah Gaughan, para a Berocco. Já tinha ouvido (e visto, por esta blogosfera fora) maravilhas dos desenhos dela mas realmente estou impressionada com a facilidade desta receita e os resultados tão bonitos que produz. Não sei, parece que é tão bonito que teria de ser muito mais difícil...

Mais fotografias aqui.

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Rosa & Teixeira new brand idendity | Nova identidade visual corporativa da Rosa & Teixeira

It´s with a lot of pleasure that I can finally post about this corporate identity project, as it was one of the most challenging and interesting projects I had to develop in the last few years. Rosa & Teixeira is a well-known high-end custom tailored clothes as well as prêt-à-porter shop in Portugal that aimed for a new, more sophisticated and premium image.

This was a long project: not only the design stage, as employees and management team needed time to adjust to the new logo, but also because the printed objects were subject to several print-proofs; it certainly paid off to have them going back and forth with all comments and corrections as I believe the final results are very good, thanks to a great team work.

See other images of this project here.


É com imensa alegria que publico aqui o trabalho realizado para a Rosa & Teixeira, marca amplamente conhecida em Portugal, talvez menos conhecida no estrangeiro. Para quem não conhece, trata-se de uma loja de roupa de prestígio, tendo tanto alfaiates como pronto-a-vestir superior. Querendo modernizar a sua imagem anterior, desenvolvemos este trabalho ao longo de vários meses, criando não só o logótipo como também todas as aplicações de uso interno (formulários e talões, entre outros) e todo o material com visibilidade, como sacos, caixas, facturas, recibos ou etiquetas.

Não sendo um trabalho de fácil produção pelo nível de qualidade exigido, creio que o resultado final é excelente e é fruto de um grande esforço de equipa.

Mais imagens aqui.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

On my desk

My desk is so uninteresting these days that I chose to show you one of the exercises from last Monday´s painting class. It was difficult for me to get the proportion of the front leg right but I think I managed to do it better on the second ("second"? no, actually, "nth" would be much more accurate) go:


More desks via kootoyoo´s.

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Encuentro de bloggeras tejedoras

El pasado Sábado nos encontramos! Yo llegué tarde pero igual estuvo buenísimo conocerlas a todas.

Vean abajo lo que cuentan las demás chicas con quienes aprendí mucho y compartí ideas:

"Lace and crochet", de Laura

"Sueños de lana", de Stella

"Teje Penelope", de Celes

"Zsazsita", de Carolina

"Caro y sus agujas", de Carolina

"Sabinatejidos y algo más", de Sabina

"Alitas de Dragón", de Andrea

"Ivana teje", de Ivana

Celes sacó fotos de los trabajos que teníamos entre manos, así que ahí podrán ver la primera imágen oficial de la bufanda que estoy tejiendo.

Gracias por organizar, Celes!

Thursday, 11 September 2008

September 11th, 2008

Seven years gone by and I´m still amazed by the violence of the events of that day.

I don´t think there´s much I can write about it without repeating what so many people already have said. I remember watching the Tv screen in disbelief, hoping somewhere that this was a crappy, bad-taste Hollywood movie kind of joke. I remember having the feeling World War III would start on the next moment. I´m glad it didn´t, but I´m sad that the fear has been installed unto the people, the normal people who lead absolutely normal lives.

I´m very sad that so many lost their lives or loved ones there. I hope that after Madrid (March 11th) it just doesn´t happen again. I know it´s a long shot, but I want to keep living in a world where clouds are white and fluffy and people are nice to strangers.

Illustration Friday: Clutter

It has been quite a long time since I last contributed to Illustration Friday, but I´m happy to be back to it.

This is a mixed media illustration with a papercut and hand drawn type, later digitalized.

On my desk

Yesterday, Wednesday (the usual "on my desk" day) was spent ouside of the studio. Sometimes I get too attached to the computer and forget to go outside to get inspiration. It´s a weird balance, isn´t it? It´s like you need to step away to freshen your view, but then again there isn´t too much time to do it, because there´s work that needs to get done today. Well, I guess I was lucky I could leave yesterday - so I´ll give you my desk today.

There´s my computer, of course, and ever present element; the same goes for my tablet; there are to-do lists (written, of course, there´s no pleasure like running a line over the task that has just be completed) and there´s my sketch book, showing my hand.

See more desks via kootoyoo.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Encuentro de bloggeras tejedoras este Sábado

Celes está organizando un encuentro de bloggeras tejedoras este Sábado a las 12h en el Shopping Abasto, acá en Buenos Aires.

Yo voy a ir! Ahora solo tengo que ir a buscar que tejer porque todavía no he comenzado nada nuevo desde el suéter que terminé el Sábado pasado.

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Buenos Aires by night

A three week vacation is perfect not only to forget about work but also to charge your batteries and start thinking about work again.

One of the projects I had in mind was to make a series of photographs under the theme "Buenos Aires by night". This series will be available on my personal blog. Although I post in portuguese only, photos are images and images are worth a thousand words, they say.

The idea of a series of photographs is not an original one. I can think of SouleMama and FotoBen, to name just two bloggers.

I love photography and haven´t been much involved with it during the last few years. I think that for some reason my interest sailed a bit away, but it is definitely a port I want to go back to. Night photography is so difficult but it can be so rewarding: what I like the most is how those "mistakes" that blurry images are can be so beautiful. And that´s what I want to explore. And the city, too, as it is the city where I live now and the one that has adopted me for the time to come.

I hope you like the series too. There´s a button on the right hand side corner to give you easy access to it.


Uma das ideias que trago para pôr em prática na minha pequena "rentrée" é a de captar e publicar aqui uma série de trinta imagens da cidade de Buenos Aires à noite.

A minha ideia não é original. Outros bloggers fazem séries semelhantes (lembro-me particularmente da SouleMama e do FotoBen) e a ideia parece-me tão interessante que a vou usar aqui com a expressão empregue pelo homem do marketing cá de casa: "share and reapply". Gosto da ideia, gosto do compromisso, gosto de procurar imagens bonitas, gosto do efeito inesperado do erro na fotografia nocturna e quero partilhar tudo isso.

Espero que também gostem.

Monday, 8 September 2008

Maillot jaune | Camisola Amarela

This sweater was all the knitting I brought along with me for me three week vacation. And what did I do when I finished it, you may ask. Well, I finished it in a hurry on the last day of vacation.

First off: there´s absolutely no knitting in airplanes, specially on the routes I travelled. I didn´t want to risk losing my needles in some airport X-ray machine as circulars are terribly difficult to find here in Buenos Aires and live stitches floating aren´t really the best picture I can imagine.

Well, and then there´s general summer laziness. Knitting on the beach isn´t the best option either with all the sand (and playing with my niece). There were just too many other stimuli I reacted to and the sweater sat peacefully inside the knitting bag. It was basically fun.

(I finished a book and started a new one: "White Teeth" by Zadie Smith. Cannot recommend it enough!)

On the last day of vacation I did manage to squeeze in the time to photograph it before it went to washing and blocking, a task I trusted my mother with. I hope the recipient (well, the mum of the recipient) likes it and uses it.

My maillot jaune sweater isn´t certainly an accomplishment when it comes to speed but I did finish it in time. Just in time, I mean.

More images here.


A camisola amarela que aqui está foi tudo o que tricotei durante as férias. Pensei que a ia terminar mais rapidamente mas... enfim, as férias têm demasiadas distracções e o trabalho de turista cansa. Cansa tanto que à noite a única coisa que consegui fazer foi ler e dormir.

(Estou a ler "White Teeth" de Zadie Smith. Muito bom.)

Terminei-a, portanto, no dia da partida, a tempo apenas de a fotografar. A lavagem já ficou a cargo da minha mãe, a avó da pessoinha a quem se destina. Por ainda não sabermos se é menino, se menina, a escolha da cor foi esta.

Mais fotografias aqui.

Back | De volta

We´re back. I´m going through my inbox and writing down my to-do list and that leaves me no time for blogging much longer than this.

On my Google Reader there´s more than 800 unread entries - I believe that the "mark all as read" button will have a lot of activity in the next few days...

I´ll leave you with a quick snapshot of last saturday, during a beach stroll before heading to the airport. I miss it already!


Voltámos de férias. Energias recuperadas (mais ou menos - não são muitas horas de diferença mas eu sofro muito com o jetlag) e vontade de trabalhar. Bem a preciso para ir desfazendo aos poucos a lista de afazeres que aqui tenho.

Para matar as saudades que já cresceram desde Sábado, aqui vai um cheirinho de maresia da tarde, depois do almoço e antes de ir para o aeroporto.