My Central Park Hoodie, flickred here and ravelled there (pattern by Heather Lodisnky) is an almost finished object. Not quite though, because I put it on the exact moment I finished sewing it. And I´ve worn it since, every single day. Mine, in loosely plied alpaca yarn bought in Bazar Lanero (gracias por el dato, Jo!), in the yarn district here in Buenos Aires, is a total success. I couldn´t love it more. I´m actually finding it hard to take it off to wash it and block it.
Still, this post is to tell you about this hoodie´s travels. Before leaving for our vacation I started to take a look at our travelling hours and, really, long flights plus airport waiting needed more than books and magazines. So I took a cheap, plastic sewing needle with me and my hoodie´s parts. I´m not a fan of sewing, so I figured that an airport wait would be a good place to do it. Knitting needles are not allowed, so an actual knitting project wasn´t an option. And yes, I do envy those of you who show your knitting in airplanes. It just isn´t allowed here.
I finished the knitting during our ski week and the sewing adventure started in the airport in Ushuaia, where I assembled back and two fronts:
I then realized I had forgotten to leave the sleeves on my hand-luggage, so interrupted the work there. It proceeded the next day, in São Paulo-Guarulhos airport, where I sewed the sleeves to make them tubes, but didn´t have time (nor patience) to attach them to the armholes.
While in Portugal, no sewing at all. I had the mystery sweater (which is not a mystery to its recipient anymore) to knit on, and that´s what I did. There was a bit of knitting in the car, too. The AC was broken, so my knitting while travelling didn´t last long: with 32ºC outside, a sweater on my lap was pure torture.
So the next sewing moment was the daytime flight from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. After watching all the movies I could and taking all the naps I managed to, I started sewing. And because this was the last thing I did during the long and boring flight, you can assess how little I enjoy it). I started to see that there may be a chance that I finish sewing and weaving in the ends before we landed there - and I did, but only just. Tha plane landed as I was putting away needle and dental floss box (used to cut the yarn) away.
I had a couple of ends to weave in:
And then... it was ready! Well, button less and lacking a good blocking, but ready. And it definitely came in handy because it was so very cold in the airport - what´s with airports and air conditioning? Still, a bit of modelling and showing off my hoodie was necessary:
And the sleeves, probably the part I love best:
And this is the story of my Central Park Hoodie. Now, guess what I´m wearing today...
CHRISTMAS 24 - sainsbury's
2 weeks ago
Qué ídola!!! terminando de coserlo en el aeropuerto!!!
Te quedó re lindo Billy!!
Que bueno que estés de vuelta :)
Gracias, Gaby! Imaginá el aburrimiento de la espera, llegó al punto de tener que coser! ;)
Te quedo precioso!!
Que color mas bonito
Gracias, Carl@! La verdad es que todavía no me lo quité desde que lo puse para las fotografías en el aeropuerto en Rio. Realmente estoy chocha! :)
Billy, ficou lindo! E nada como um trabalho manual para passar essas loooongas horas de voo :D
A propósito, eu *sempre* levo meu tricô no avião (daqui p/Buenos Aires, de volta, dentro do Brasil, até embarquei com elas no chatíssimo aeroporto de Heathrow) e nunca tive problemas! Pode ser porque sempre levo ag. circulares ou de duas pontas, e nada maior do que ag. 3,5mm... (se bem que sempre uso agulhas 'substituíveis' - as minhas melhores deixo em casa ou levo na mala).
Obrigada, Solange!
Ai, o interminável tema das agulhas de tricot no avião... é que as autoridades podiam decidir-se a agir da mesma forma em todo o lado. Aqui na Argentina, quando perguntei, disseram-me, quando ouviram a palavra "agulhas": "nada de objetos corto-punzantes". No aeroporto de Lisboa, as agulhas fazem parte da lista de itens não permitidos a bordo; sei até de passageiros que foram escoltados até ao posto dos correios para enviar as agulhas! Está tudo louco...
Assim sendo, e como ando com as minhas queridas agulhas circulares intercambiáveis, de madeira, não quero arriscar.
Agora: da próxima vez que vieres a Buenos Aires, avisa! :)
Pois eu nem pergunto!! (Acho que, para eles, 'agulhas de tricô' são só as retas!)
E vou ver se, da próxima vez que for a BsAs, aviso.
O problema é que sempre vou tããããão correndo... (Em 3 anos, não consegui sequer ir à Scalabrini Ortiz uma vez!)
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