Friday 22 May 2009

Books and inspiration I

"Cuando Verónica teje" by Valeria Cis

I´m having a lot of fun looking at the illustrations "Cuando Verónica teje" (which translates as "When Verónica knits"), from Valeria Cis, published by Primera Sudamericana. My appreciation for knitting and its possibilities is quite obvious by now, I believe, and that´s probably why I enjoy so much the fact that it can be seen as more than "a grandma thing". A children´s book with a sheep knitting? Love it!

"Cuando Verónica teje" by Valeria Cis

"Cuando Verónica teje" by Valeria Cis

"Cuando Verónica teje" by Valeria Cis

The illustrations are very beautiful and expressive as well as the writing (both by Valeria Cis) and the only thing missing in this book is a nice edition. The cover is soft, the book itself is quite small in format (23cm x 15,5cm), considering that it is a children´s book, of course. It isn´t an inviting object - but it is a lovely work. Congratulations to the author, not so much to congratulate on the publisher´s side, though.

(From the same author, "Diez excusas para no comer vegetales", also very beautifully written and illustrated, belonging to the same collection - "Puercoespín" - but, weirdly enough, with a different format.)

"Diez excusas para no comer vegetales", by Valeria Cis

There are some more posts about books coming up. In the meantime, have a nice weekend everyone! It will be a long weekend here, due to a national holiday on Monday, so regular posting will resume on Tuesday.

Para los Argentinos: feliz día de la Patria! (eso fue editado para que quede totalmente argentinizado. De todas formas: feliz 25 de Mayo!)


Joji said...

Qué lindos! Quiero para Nano! Dónde los compraste????
PD: Los argentinos solemos decir "Feliz día de la Patria..." :)

Billy said...

Los compré en la feria del libro. Creo que estará para breve la feria del libro infantil, así que si no los encontrás en ningún local los podrás encontrar ahí. Supongo...

Lo voy a editar, el saludo patrio! Es que lo escuché a una argentina. Quizás me equivoqué?

Gringa Quilmeña said...

hay un librito que es muy divertido también, se llama "hay que enseñarle a tejer al gato" de Ema Wolf fijate aquí es un cuenta para los amantes del tejido, de los gatos y del absurdo...

Jimena said...

Hola amiga!!

Por fin encuentro tu blog jajaja
Te conocí el año pasado en Bs.As. en el dia del Tejido.
Lindo blog.

Te mando un beso y que comiences bien la semana!!

pd: Te agrego a mis favoritos.

Billy said...

Gracias por el dato, Gringa!

Gracias, Jimena! Bienvenida!