Wednesday 20 February 2008

Illustration Friday: Theory

Browsing the internet for some inspiration for this week´s topic, I found this: " scientist cannot create a theory, only an hypothesis."

So here´s for team work: lots of scientists working on the same dream.


Enquanto pesquisava na net para o tema desta semana do Illustration Friday, encontrei aqui a seguinte frase (numa tradução minha): " cientista sozinho não cria uma teoria, só esboça uma hipótese."

Esta semana, um elogio ao trabalho em equipa e ao célebre duas cabeças pensam melhor que uma.


Josh (musarter) said...

Great concept. The line and color are great too.

elizabeth said...

This is absolutely beautiful-- and what a great observation on theory!

This design reminds me a toy I remember from when I was a kid, one that always showed up in doctor's offices' waiting rooms. There were tons of colorful wooden beads attached to these curvy wire maze things, and you pushed the beads from one end to the other. Anybody know what I'm talking about?

Anyway, lovely!

Unknown said...

wonderful concept! it reminds of "race for the prize" by the Flaming Lips!
* )

Rui Sousa said...

Fantastic, really nice!

Billy said...

Thank you all for your nice comments!