Sunday, 22 February 2009

My dear owls are done | Mochinhos acabados

...I´m actually wearing the pure wool sweater!

I´m breaking my "no-internet-during-weekends-rule" for a good reason: I finished my owls sweater (awesome free pattern here). My love for this sweater is so huge that I´m actually slightly looking forward to sweater season, which will start sometime late April here in Buenos Aires.

This pattern is so well written that it is a pleasure to knit it. I´m not an experienced knitter (nor a fast one, for that matter), but this pattern is very accessible and easy to understand. I followed a chart, for the first time in my life, and wasn´t too intimidated by it. Seeing the owls appearing, row by row, made me want to knit faster. But then, seeing that I was about to finish it, made me want to knit slower. Anyway, I feel like when I finish a great book: bookless. Only this time I´m sweaterless. But happy.


Em português, um post vagamente parecido com este pode ser lido aqui.


Gaby said...

Te quedó precioso!
Me están dando ganas de tejerme uno!

Carl@ said...

Que belleza como te quedo!!
Como a Gaby me estan dando ganas de tejerme uno. Primero tengo que tratar de traducirlo
Te felicito!!

Billy said...

Gracias, chicas! Tejanlo porque es lindo, lindo de tejer y de probarselo. ;)

Carl@, dentro de lo que sepa traducir, si querés te ayudo. O, si preferís, nos encontramos!

Jesse said...

I'm jealous! Owls is on my list to knit, but I have to finish other things first. You did a great job!